Wake up very very early this morning, cause me n my friends are joining telematch which organized by our own school. When we reach there it was 8 a.m... Early right. But it end up that the telematch start at 9.30. We can't do anything, but just to wait. *Progress of waiting* (Don't feel like say it out, cause it's a long story). Then when it's 9.30, we went to the person in charge to "report" ourselves. It turn out that they do not have our name on their participants list. Shesh.... Make me wake up so early for nothing. Haih....
After that, Jonathan came to our school and we went to eat breakfast at McDonald. We went back to Swinburne again to check out the food stall. Haha... Me n my friends stay inside Jonathan's car to pretend to be Ah Lien and Ah Beng. Haha... And try to attract people walk pass by turning the volume higher and honk the people pass by. Haha...
It was my first time experience. Audrey came out from the auditorium and told us that there is a eyelashes perming service inside and it only cost RM9.90... So cheap. Then we decide to do it. We have to close our eyes for the whole process and it the process was 45 minutes long. The thing made me not comfortable was that people can see us perming our eyelashes!!!! Plus, those guy friends was taking our photo... Shesh... Must take permission when u take our photo ok???

Where is my picture then.... Sorry la.... Can't take my own picture since i can't even open my eyes la... I'll try to get from my friend then I'll upload it... Hehe...