Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!!


Merry Christmas Bloggie!

Although I'm kinda late to wish you.

Went to midnight mass on the 24th Dec, then went to eat super duper late supper near the cat statute at Padungan area.

What a sad Christmas.

My phone's screen totally blackout!! OMG!! I can't send my msg greetings to my friends which makes me kinda sad.

I feel like I'm so out dated and so not happening. =(

Owh well, at least Drey is kind enough to lend me her phone.

About this year's Christmas I'm kinda disappointed and sad actually.

Maybe it's because I did not celebrate with the person I love. He did not go to Drey's house even. =(

The best Christmas I ever had was last year. I love last year Christmas.

Actually I don't really know that whether I still love him or not. But if I don't how come I feel like spending every important occasion with him??

How pathetic I am...

I know he doesn't deserves me unless I've change to a better girl. I'm such a pain and I treat guys badly. He deserves someone better.

Anyway, not gonna be emo right now.

And it's time for bed. Night nights~~!!

I love you bloggie, you're the best friend of mine. =)

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