Saturday, October 10, 2009


It's just crap!!!
All of it are just shitty CRAP!!!
Feelings are just so shitty and crappy for me!!!
I don't even know why I do get so emotional sometimes!!!
Why do I get suffer this way??!!
Why do I get this kind of trouble out of myself??!!
I'm such a stupid gal!!!
I need a breakaway!!!
I'm very sure that how the game goes okay!!!
But I just can't help myself!!!
It's all because of you!!!
I'm just angry at myself though!!!
Sometimes I just don't even know how I feel actually...
Why do I have to have these complicated feelings??!!
I know that I won't go back with him!!!
We just won't go back together!!!
How come things turn out to be like this??!!
No matter how rational I am, I always lose to my feelings and emotions!!!
They always concur me!!!
So what I got a great laugh just now??!!
When you really don't feel happy you just WONT feel happy!!!
I don't understand why I act like this??!!
I love him??
I don't love him??
Then why do I act like this??!!
I so stupid right??
And I know that I miss him!!
Really really miss him!!
I so sad now!!!

Once again...
I guess I lose again...
I never can know wad are you thinking...
I just miss you...

I know you would be reading this...
But shhhhh!!!
You and me know only kay??!!
You so good...
I love u... =)

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