Sunday, November 22, 2009


This will be a short one I guess... =)

I seriously don't like having exams...
Whenever exams comes especially final exams I'll think of him...
You feeling very "swt" right?
I feel the same way too...
Why is he got to do with final exams right?
It's cause before we got together we were like very close, messaging each other 24/7 then when final exam I'm like stressing there's him beside me messaging me and keep me accompany and I do feel less stress...
When I woke up in the middle of the night to study there is always him accompany me...
He do wake me up or I would wake him up to study and messaging each other...
Owh... I do miss those moment...
Now whenever exam comes I do think of him...
Now... There is nobody who would do this...
How I miss it...
Ok... Chaozz... =)

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