Saturday, November 28, 2009

Joyful time!!!!

Just finish my final exam this morning!! I'm so happy about it!! I can stop studying for like few months!! haha..

Not gonna think about the results first. Making people worried about it only. So, I'm gonna relax first.

There are so many things I wanna do within this holiday man!! Was thinking of loosing weight and working within in this holiday. But I don't think I can do it though.

I don't have the motivation to do it!! I kept saying that I wanna loose weight but I just can't cause of no motivation. For the last time, gonna do it or die for it!!

I'm so damn freaking happy that I'm finally free from studies for almost 3 months. Gonna go KL on January. I hope that I do pass all my test. I don't think I'm gonna go KL if I do fail any of it. *fingers cross*

What about today...
Finish my last paper this morning which is Law. Actually Law it's kinda interesting though. I find it that it's the easiest paper among all the subject?? LOL. I don't know why I have this kind of thought, but I really do think so. =)

After that went to Cory's house for a while before going out for lunch with Johnny, Trice and Cory. Not really satisfy with my lunch. It says mince meat vinegar noodle(i think that's the name), but it came out it's not sour enough and there doesn't really have the vinegar smell and taste.

Went back home after lunch then have a short nap. Only manage to sleep for 2 hours last night. So, having a short nap before attend Daphne's wedding dinner. Ya know what?? We're late!! Soooooooo don't like to be late. But what to do? I thought I can make it on time.

Went to Starbucks after the dinner. Dinner kinda sucks though. Not much of food is being served. Don't expect any photos from me. I don't take pictures and upload in blog. =)

It's late already. I better go get some sleep. Till then folks... Nite nitess... =)

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