Monday, August 24, 2009

The best!!

I've realized that I've been comparing you with all the guys that I know. No matter who. It's just weird that human really doesn't appreciate things when they owned it. They only appreciate that something once they have lost it. Human nature? Not so... We are just being stupid by not appreciate things when we owned it. Really stupid I can tell. Once you have got the things which you think is the best, you'll keep comparing the best with others or even find the better one. But is it this easy to find "another" the best or better one?? Actually there is no exact answer. It's all depend on yourself. Which is a bad thing for me. Cause I still can't deny that you are the best and there is no others just like you. Except I clone you?? LOL. What can I say. Maybe I just don't deserve you, which are the best. And you belongs to someone who deserve you more than me. You'll always be THE BEST!!!! and NOBODY CAN BEAT THAT YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!

p/s: gonna find "another" the best!!!! If only he exist. If not gonna stay single forever and ever... hahhahah Oh ya... sorry if I did "offended" you or what... I don have any "isi tersirat" hahahha

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