Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cracking My Head??

Thinking of making my blog P R I V A T E...

I'm still thinking about it tough. I'm still not sure about it yet. It's kind of me myself revealing too much about my emotions to the outside world? *haha* Need to keep it for some privacy?

I'm gonna consider of making my blog private. Just in case I really private my blog. Do ask me to invitation. If I consider you as a person that can read my blog. *haha*

Now I'm W O N D E R I N G...

When can I let MYSELF go?? Like seriously let myself go. I have no idea when will the day come. Maybe after... After... Actually I don't even know when the day will come. Maybe the day won't come forever? Oh My Gosh... I need to release myself from this.

I wanna have holiday with leaving Kuching and go somewhere there is nobody that I recognize. Living a happy, care free life. Wow... How nice if my wish come true.

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